Family Law Firm

Child Relocation Representation in Orange County
At the Orange County Law Offices of Friske & Hilliard, our attorneys have years of experience handling both sides of move-away situations that emerge during divorce, post-divorce and between parents who were never married or those in a domestic partnership. Our firm’s founding lawyers, Albert Friske and Stefanie Hilliard, can help you make appropriate legal arrangements if you are planning to relocate or if your ex-spouse or co-parent is moving.
If a relocation issue is threatening your current child custody arrangement, contact us online or call (714) 550-7229 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation.
We Will Answer All of Your Important Questions
When an employment opportunity, a relationship or a family concern prompts a parent to move to another city or another state, important questions surface:
- Can I take my children with me if I need to move?
- What rights do I have if my ex says she wants to move away with our son?
- Will my legal custody arrangements change?
- How exactly will visitation work?
- Who will be responsible for transporting the kids?
- Will my child support payments increase or decrease?
- Do we have to go to court to resolve this?
These challenges present themselves to custodial and noncustodial parents, and they often require the help of a lawyer to resolve. Whether you are a divorced or single parent wanting to move away with a child, a father or mother planning to move without your children, or a parent who is not moving, we can advise you regarding your rights and options.
Respecting the Rights of Both Parents and Children
Our job is to make sure the rights and needs of both children and parents are respected and met as fully as possible. In cases of parental relocation, a court has to approve a move involving a child unless both parents can agree on arrangements out of court. If you anticipate a relocation, seek legal advice as soon as possible.
Contact Our Orange County Firm’s Attorneys for Custody Modifications
As with other aspects of family law, every relocation situation is different. Contact us online or call (714) 550-7229 to learn more about your child custody rights.